eBay Top 10: dell pentium m 1.4ghz 512mb 30gb dvd 14.1-inch win 2k-grade b
Optiplex GX110 (P3 660Mhz, 512MB RAM) - Game Windows 7
Here is my old Dell Optiplex GX110 game Windows 7 because I wanted to show people that it would run. Its actually measure usable which is surprising.
I hope for to make my pc better for gaming im thinkin graphics reveal all processor and pc memory is this ok?
I got a pentium 4 dell pc and i dont cognizant of much about computers.08/09/07
Desktops: Pentium 4 what. there is a gargantuan difference between a P4 1. 4ghz and a P4 3. 0ghz, with the slower one you might note replacing it, but not the faster one, it would be fine.
Which laptop computer should I get?
Okay, I longing a laptop for my 16th birthday but my parents do not want to waste a fortune on one. I found these used/new ones on Amazon. com and I'm wondering which one seems the finery out of them.07/26/08
Laptops & Notebooks: Yes, they're cheaper, but they're just not importance the problems that usually come with them. I've actually had really fair luck with computers from.