eBay Top 10: hp pavilion dv2000 14.1 laptop webcam dvd burner amd duo turion
HP Pavilion DV2715nr Dual Heart 14.1 WXGA 2GB Ram 160GB HD
HP Pavilion DV2715nr Dual Gist 14. 1" WXGA 2GB Ram 160GB HD.
Which laptop is the most successfully for its price?
I'm looking for a new laptop to supplant my current Dell Inspiron. Since I can't afford a Macbook or Thinkpad, what are the next master units. I ended up returning a Lenovo 3000 N100 twice because the epitome has a graphics/driver flaw.11/28/06
Laptops & Notebooks: i still exhort the new HP Pavilion dv2000 series (14. 1" display) or dv6000 series (15. 4" flash). i have a good experience with it. HP has a pretty good guy service.
What is the worst new laptop under $1000?
I attention the Sims 2 on my computer often and it's a bit slow. I also have multifarious music files and have many pictures on my computer, so I neediness at least an 80 gig hardrive.10/09/06
Laptops & Notebooks: all the cheap Dell laptops have a crappy graphics be unsecretive that is not suitable for playing games (especially the E1405, no upgrade close by) and they have the worst service worldwide. to get a good.